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Low Cost Microwave Plasma Generation System - A Power Analysis study

by Smitha I.S, Sreejith K.R, Anish Mathew K, K.Rajeevkumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 30 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Smitha I.S, Sreejith K.R, Anish Mathew K, K.Rajeevkumar

Smitha I.S, Sreejith K.R, Anish Mathew K, K.Rajeevkumar . Low Cost Microwave Plasma Generation System - A Power Analysis study. International Journal of Computer Applications. 30, 12 ( September 2011), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/3708-5144

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In the study of thin film preparation using a low cost microwave induced plasma method, we have carried out calorimetric power analysis in a microwave oven with different loads. The calorimetric calibration was done with various heating loads like coconut oil, engine oil, fruit juice and water. The power consumption of water was higher when compared to other loads. The results show the comparison of thermal properties and heating characteristics of coconut oil ,engine oil, fruit juice and water when they are exposed to microwave radiation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Microwave plasma calorimetric method power Microwave oven