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Texture and Shape based Classification of Brain Tumors using Linear Vector Quantization

by Neelam Marshkole, Bikesh Kumar Singh, A.S Thoke
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 30 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Neelam Marshkole, Bikesh Kumar Singh, A.S Thoke

Neelam Marshkole, Bikesh Kumar Singh, A.S Thoke . Texture and Shape based Classification of Brain Tumors using Linear Vector Quantization. International Journal of Computer Applications. 30, 11 ( September 2011), 21-23. DOI=10.5120/3683-5162

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%A A.S Thoke
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Brain cancer is one of the most common and deadly disease in the world. Detection of the brain tumor in its early stage is the key to its cure. Early diagnosis of the brain tumor is very important. With the development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Soft Computing Techniques, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) attracts more and more attention for brain tumor diagnosis. Accuracy and efficiency are two major issues in designing CAD systems. In the brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the tumor may appear clearly but for further treatment, the physician also needs the quantification of the tumor area. The computer and image processing techniques can provide great help in analyzing the tumor area. In this paper features based on shape and texture of image were tested for analysis and classification of brain tumors. After feature extraction, linear vector quantization is used to classify brain tumor in to malignant & benign types. MATLAB ® 7.01 image processing toolbox and ANN toolbox have been used to implement the algorithm. The results show that texture and shape features can be effectively used for classifying brain tumor with high level of accuracy.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Medical image shape texture malignant benign tumor