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Reseach Article

A Resource Pool Management Model using Fuzzy Logic Decision Making

by Mya Sithu, Ni Lar Thein
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 29 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Mya Sithu, Ni Lar Thein

Mya Sithu, Ni Lar Thein . A Resource Pool Management Model using Fuzzy Logic Decision Making. International Journal of Computer Applications. 29, 10 ( September 2011), 24-31. DOI=10.5120/3599-5000

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title = { A Resource Pool Management Model using Fuzzy Logic Decision Making },
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In Virtualized Data Center (VDC), fixed allocation of virtual machines (VMs)’ resources usually make overloading or under-loading condition as the workloads of the application they run have dynamic features. Underloading leads unutilized resource usages and SLA deviation is also appeared because of the over-loading. Therefore, dynamic allocation of VM resource usage is necessary in order to get a load balanced environment. Resource usage prediction of virtual machines is needed to be done for dynamic VM resource provisioning. For VMs, dynamic resource provisioning is available only when the host has enough re-sources to complement their demands. But in the condition of host overloading, VM migration should be made in order to keep a load balanced condition. VM migration depends on a variety of criteria and efficient decision support is required. In this paper, neuro-fuzzy is applied for resource usage prediction and combination of AHP and Fuzzy-TOPSIS is used for decision support of VM migration. VM resource prediction and decision support model are evaluated by the resource pools data. Simulation and mathematical evaluation confirms that such an integrated solution ensures acceptable accuracy.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Load balancing Resource Management AHP Fuzzy-TOPSIS Neuro-Fuzzy