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MIRAGE 1.0: A Key Entry Scheme Resilient to Shoulder Surfing

by Chaitanya Srinadhu, Sree Kashyap Addanki, B.V.R.K. Ram Acharyulu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 29 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Chaitanya Srinadhu, Sree Kashyap Addanki, B.V.R.K. Ram Acharyulu

Chaitanya Srinadhu, Sree Kashyap Addanki, B.V.R.K. Ram Acharyulu . MIRAGE 1.0: A Key Entry Scheme Resilient to Shoulder Surfing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 29, 1 ( September 2011), 47-53. DOI=10.5120/3526-4804

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Two level authentication systems are widely being used in many ATM’s (automatic teller machine).To be more illustrative they are now crust of the security systems in many military agencies. It is very often noticed that, a combination of biometric and key login or a combination of token and a key are widely accepted authentication systems. Besides the problem of high faulty recognition, biometric suffers from a backdrop of high cost and slow authentication process. Like many of our valuable possessions tokens like magnetic cards are highly prone to theft and duplication. Traditional key entry schemes are very much vulnerable to peeping and shoulder surfing attacks. Furthermore, with the advancement of technology many other fake login schemes like dictionary attacks or key logging have become a major security concern. In this paper we propose pattern based key entry scheme, Mirage 1.0, which would not only withstand peeping and shoulder-surfing attacks but also would be resilient towards dictionary attacks and key logging schemes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometric authentication Key logging shoulder surfing MIRAGE 1.0