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Reseach Article

New Approach Timer for the Control of the Distributed Systems with the Multi-Agents Systems

by Saqalli Meryem, Medromi Hicham
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 28 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Saqalli Meryem, Medromi Hicham

Saqalli Meryem, Medromi Hicham . New Approach Timer for the Control of the Distributed Systems with the Multi-Agents Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 28, 9 ( August 2011), 21-25. DOI=10.5120/3416-4766

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title = { New Approach Timer for the Control of the Distributed Systems with the Multi-Agents Systems },
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The real-time computing is widely used and gets more and more importance in the everyday life. Several fields of application are concerned, in particular, the automobile, the avionics, the multimedia, the energy, etc. The real-time systems concern IT applications having a role of follow-up or control of process in an environment which evolves dynamically. In this article we propose a new approach called "Timer" for the distributed multi-agents architectures. This approach is validated and implemented on the platform of security and detection of intrusion. The objective of this Timer approach is to verify the capacity of every agent to perceive its environment and to elaborate an answer in the required time.

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  10. M.Saqalli, R.Elbejjet, H.Medromi « Nouvelle Solution Timer Temps Réel Intégré aux Systèmes Distribués Multi Agents »
  11. Driss Raoui, Siham Benhadou, Hicham Medromi. « New Distributed Methodology for Intrusion Detection Based on Multi-agents System at Two Levels». International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S), Vol. 5. n. 3, pp. 298-302.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Platform Distributed System Multi-Agents Systems Real Time System Control