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FE-BEMD and Exemplar based Hybrid Image Inpainting for Occlusion Removal

by Devasruthi D, Hema P. Menon, K. A. Narayanankutty
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 28 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Devasruthi D, Hema P. Menon, K. A. Narayanankutty

Devasruthi D, Hema P. Menon, K. A. Narayanankutty . FE-BEMD and Exemplar based Hybrid Image Inpainting for Occlusion Removal. International Journal of Computer Applications. 28, 8 ( August 2011), 38-44. DOI=10.5120/3405-4749

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%T FE-BEMD and Exemplar based Hybrid Image Inpainting for Occlusion Removal
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In this paper, a hybrid method for occlusion removal using Finite element based Bi-dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (FE-BEMD) and Exemplar based image inpainting is discussed. Initially, the image is decomposed into Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) and a Residue using FE-BEMD. Then the Exemplar based image inpainting algorithm is applied to each of the IMFs and residue and the results are added together to get the inpainted image. The results obtained shows that the proposed method works well for removing large objects as well as small damages like scratches from images.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image inpainting Empirical Mode Decomposition Intrinsic Mo-de Function Delaunay Triangles Texture synthesis texture propagation