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Modeling pH Neutralization Process using Fuzzy Dynamic Neural units Approaches

by Lyes Saad Saoud, Faycal Rahmoune, Victor Tourtchine, Kamel Baddari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 28 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Lyes Saad Saoud, Faycal Rahmoune, Victor Tourtchine, Kamel Baddari

Lyes Saad Saoud, Faycal Rahmoune, Victor Tourtchine, Kamel Baddari . Modeling pH Neutralization Process using Fuzzy Dynamic Neural units Approaches. International Journal of Computer Applications. 28, 4 ( August 2011), 22-29. DOI=10.5120/3375-4666

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%A Lyes Saad Saoud
%A Faycal Rahmoune
%A Victor Tourtchine
%A Kamel Baddari
%T Modeling pH Neutralization Process using Fuzzy Dynamic Neural units Approaches
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In this paper, a new architecture combining dynamic neural units and fuzzy logic approaches is proposed for a complex chemical process modeling. Such processes need a particular care where the designer constructs the neural network, the fuzzy and the fuzzy neural network models which are very useful in black box modeling. The proposed architecture is specified to the pH chemical reactor due to its large existence in the real industrial life and it is a realistic dynamic nonlinear system to demonstrate the feasibility and the performance of the founding results using the fuzzy dynamic neural units. A comparison was made between four strategies, the fuzzy modeling, the recurrent neural networks, the dynamic recurrent neural networks and the fuzzy dynamic neural units.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


pH process Dynamic neural units Nonlinear system identification Fuzzy modeling