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Study of Electrical and Magnetic Properties in Nano sized Ce-Gd Doped Magnesium Ferrite

by Vasant Naidu, S.K.A. Ahamed, Kandu Sahib, M.Suganthi, Chandra Prakash
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 27 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Vasant Naidu, S.K.A. Ahamed, Kandu Sahib, M.Suganthi, Chandra Prakash

Vasant Naidu, S.K.A. Ahamed, Kandu Sahib, M.Suganthi, Chandra Prakash . Study of Electrical and Magnetic Properties in Nano sized Ce-Gd Doped Magnesium Ferrite. International Journal of Computer Applications. 27, 5 ( August 2011), 40-45. DOI=10.5120/3293-4496

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%A S.K.A. Ahamed
%A Kandu Sahib
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%A Chandra Prakash
%T Study of Electrical and Magnetic Properties in Nano sized Ce-Gd Doped Magnesium Ferrite
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Nano crystalline magnesium Cerium Gadolinium ferrite with general formula Mg Cex Gdy Fe2-x-y O4 (where x = 0.001, 0.012, 0.016, 0.018 and y=0.002) were prepared through sol-gel route from high purity nitrates of Magnesium (Mg), Cerium(Ce), Gadolinium(Gd) and Iron. The samples were sintered in microwave furnace and then characterized by XRD, EDAX, FTIR and SEM techniques. X-ray diffraction measurements confirmed the Nano size and formation of single phase cubic spinel structure of magnesium ferrite. It was found that the lattice constant decreases with the increase in Gd3+Ce3+ concentration and the crystalline size of the samples was lying in the range of 53.24 – 53.78 nm, which was confirmed from the SEM monographs. SEM studies show that the grain size of the samples decreases with the increase in Gd3+ Ce3+ content. The FTIR spectra shows two strong absorption bands within the frequency range of 362.59–570.89 cm−1. This concludes that Gd3+ , Ce3+ occupies B-site. Saturation magnetization of Gd3+ Ce3+ substituted Mg ferrites is higher than unsubstituted ferrite. The VSM studies confirm the magnetic behaviour and used to understand the electromagnetic properties of these nano materials. The permittivity studies show the decrease in relative permittivity of the material.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Nanomaterials EDAX relative permittivity VSM saturation magnetization