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Morpho-Semantic Features for Rule-based Tamil Enconversion

by J Balaji, T V Geetha, Ranjani, Madhan Karky
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 26 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: J Balaji, T V Geetha, Ranjani, Madhan Karky

J Balaji, T V Geetha, Ranjani, Madhan Karky . Morpho-Semantic Features for Rule-based Tamil Enconversion. International Journal of Computer Applications. 26, 6 ( July 2011), 11-18. DOI=10.5120/3109-4269

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This paper discusses the UNL Enconversion of Tamil sentences. The rich morphology of Tamil enables the Enconversion process to be based on morpho-semantic features of the words and their preceding and succeeding context. The use of case relation indicating morphological suffixes, POS tag and word level semantics allows the rule based Enconversion to be independent of the syntactic structure of the sentence. These UNL graphs are used to build a conceptual level index.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Universal Networking Language Enconversion Morpho-Semantic features