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Reseach Article

Automating Identification of Unique Patterns, Mutation in Human DNA using Artificial Intelligence Technique

by B.Mukunthan, Dr. N.Nagaveni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 25 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: B.Mukunthan, Dr. N.Nagaveni

B.Mukunthan, Dr. N.Nagaveni . Automating Identification of Unique Patterns, Mutation in Human DNA using Artificial Intelligence Technique. International Journal of Computer Applications. 25, 2 ( July 2011), 26-34. DOI=10.5120/3003-4038

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%T Automating Identification of Unique Patterns, Mutation in Human DNA using Artificial Intelligence Technique
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In molecular biology and genetic engineering, DNA sample identification is not considered as a biometric recognition technology mainly because it’s not an automated process i.e. it takes more time to analyze the DNA samples. Mutation identification is still an exigent task as it’s a manual process; mutations are changes in a genomic sequence caused by factors such as radiation, mutagenic chemicals, viruses, transposons. The automation of DNA feature extraction process achieved by applying neural network technique which has the advantage over conventional programming, in their ability to solve problem that do not have an algorithmic solution or the available solutions is too complex to be found is discussed in this paper, the proposed technique reduces the complication in precisely analyzing, interpreting the unique repeated patterns of human DNA. In this novel approach the perfect blend made of bioinformatics and neural networks technique results in efficient DNA pattern analysis algorithm with utmost prediction accuracy of unique repeated patterns and mutation, computed by number of correct identification of the target for a set of given inputs.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adaptive Resonance Theory Simplified fuzzy ARTMAP Competitive learning NFPR-processor Input Generator Preprocessor Separator Discriminator Comparator DNA profiling DNA sequence