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Iris Biometric Recognition for Person Identification in Security Systems

by Vanaja Roselin.E.Chirchi, Dr.L.M.Waghmare, E.R.Chirchi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 24 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Vanaja Roselin.E.Chirchi, Dr.L.M.Waghmare, E.R.Chirchi

Vanaja Roselin.E.Chirchi, Dr.L.M.Waghmare, E.R.Chirchi . Iris Biometric Recognition for Person Identification in Security Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 24, 9 ( June 2011), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/2986-4002

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%T Iris Biometric Recognition for Person Identification in Security Systems
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The security is an important aspect in our daily life whichever the system we consider security plays vital role. The biometric person identification technique based on the pattern of the human iris is well suited to be applied to access control and provides strong e-security. Security systems having realized the value of biometrics for two basic purposes: to verify or identify users. In this paper we focus on an efficient methodology for identification and verification for iris detection, even when the images have obstructions, visual noise and different levels of illuminations and we use the CASIA iris database it will also work for UBIRIS Iris database which has images captured from distance while moving a person. Efficiency is acquired from iris detection and recognition when its performance evaluation is accurate.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometrics Iris identification occluded images UBIRIS Iris database