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Providing of Secure Routing against Attacks in MANETs

by A.Vani, D.Sreenivasa Rao
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 24 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: A.Vani, D.Sreenivasa Rao

A.Vani, D.Sreenivasa Rao . Providing of Secure Routing against Attacks in MANETs. International Journal of Computer Applications. 24, 8 ( June 2011), 16-25. DOI=10.5120/2972-4003

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A collection of wireless nodes which exchange various information among each other through wireless links as per the coverage boundary, directly or with the support of midway nodes as routers called infrastructure less in ADHOC networks. The Mac 802.11 wireless standard supports multiple data rates at the physical layer. Wireless network is dynamic because of frequent changes take place inside the topology due to mobility or energy loss. Accordingly any node can join or else leave the network in order to that changes in membership causes trust relationship among nodes is a big issue. During this circumstances security is the main concern in AD HOC networks. The existing protocols are inadequate to discover various types of threats. To overcome this problem designing a new routing protocol to provide solution for detecting and preventing nodes from security threats. Our proposed network security protocol includes with Intrusion detection system. It observe the network traffics and trying to investigate the misbehave activities like attackers, wormhole, anomalies, failure, channel blocked success plus other anonymous behavior in network and maintenance. We implement this algorithm using network simulator [ns-2].The performance of the protocol is measured using packet delivery ratio, Avg end- to- end delay, routing overhead and throughput.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ad hoc network Blackhole DOS Flooding Intruder MIM