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Service-Oriented Reference Architecture for Personalized E-learning Systems (SORAPES)

by K. Palanivel, S. Kuppuswami
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 24 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: K. Palanivel, S. Kuppuswami

K. Palanivel, S. Kuppuswami . Service-Oriented Reference Architecture for Personalized E-learning Systems (SORAPES). International Journal of Computer Applications. 24, 5 ( June 2011), 35-44. DOI=10.5120/2956-3907

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Nowadays, a lot of research involves in the area of e-learning with service-oriented architecture. In e-learning systems, the challenges are increase of the complexity and more interoperability between systems in distributed environment. The lacking is reference architecture in which by reusing web services, reusing learning objects and semantics, ontology, etc. A service-oriented reference architecture describes the essence of a software architecture and the most significant and relevant aspects. Hence, it is proposed to design reference architecture to personalized e-learning systems using Web services and service-oriented architecture. The objective of this paper to design service-oriented reference architecture for personalized e-learning systems (SORAPES) and validate the architecture. Some of the existing e-learning architectures that serve as the domain model for personalized e-learning system were considered, discussed in details and finally proposed a new architecture which is called SORAPES. The SORAPES was designed by re-using web services and learning objects. It is a layered architecture and highly-scalable for personalized e-learning system. This architecture was evaluated with a list of quality attributes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-learning Personalization Reference Architecture Service-Oriented Architecture Semantic Web Web Service Ontology