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Arabic Numerals Recognition based on an Improved Version of the Loci Characteristic

by Ouafae EL Melhaoui, Mohamed El Hitmy, Fairouz Lekhal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 24 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Ouafae EL Melhaoui, Mohamed El Hitmy, Fairouz Lekhal

Ouafae EL Melhaoui, Mohamed El Hitmy, Fairouz Lekhal . Arabic Numerals Recognition based on an Improved Version of the Loci Characteristic. International Journal of Computer Applications. 24, 1 ( June 2011), 36-41. DOI=10.5120/2912-3830

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The present work is concerned with handwritten and printed numeral recognition based on an improved version of the loci characteristic method (CL) for extracting the numeral features. After a preprocessing of the numeral image, the method divides the image into four equal parts and applies the traditional CL to each of the parts. The recognition rate obtained by this method is improved indicating that the numeral features extracted contain more details. Numeral recognition is carried out in this work through k nearest neighbors and multilayer perceptron techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Handwritten and printed numeral recognition loci characteristic features extraction preprocessing k nearest neighbors multilayer perceptron