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ICT to Go Kaput due to Impending Solar Flare: Some Counteractive Measures

by Mohammad Talib
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 23 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Mohammad Talib

Mohammad Talib . ICT to Go Kaput due to Impending Solar Flare: Some Counteractive Measures. International Journal of Computer Applications. 23, 8 ( June 2011), 6-11. DOI=10.5120/2909-3823

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The sun is pretty much a big nuclear reactor. A solar storm is when wisps of that material go outside of the sun that is highly charged with electromagnetic energy so it screws up our electronics. When the earth’s magnetic poles switch there will be a period of time where the earth’s magnetic field doesn't protect us from those charged particles and all of our electronic technology will be fried. Bright flash of plasma in the Sun’s atmosphere, capable of affecting radio traffic on Earth when particles of the plasma arrive at the Earth, Flares are most common at peak periods for sunspot activity, and are accompanied by ultraviolet and X-ray emissions as well as bright flashes of light. Flares seem to operate by a mechanism in which energy is stored by the Sun’s magnetic field and then released in a single sudden burst. If a powerful solar flare struck earth, it could destroy crucial technology, mainly the ICT, and also cause a worldwide blackout. NASA has issued a warning of such massive sun solar flare storm to hit earth with force of 100m hydrogen bombs in 2012. Here, in this paper a worst case scenario of this storm, if it happens, has been discussed with its pros and cons. Also the paper discusses the some present and future counteractive measure in the event of such happening.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


CME Solar Storm Aurora Radiation Flares Sun Solar Wind X-ray NASA Plasma Sunspot Earth Particles Light Field ICT Communication Internet Satellite