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Article:MATLAB Design and Simulation of Series Controller for Damping of Energy System Oscillations

by Neetu Mittal, Dr. Abhijit Kulshreshtha, Dr. Rachana Gupta, Vijay Kumar Tayal, Dr. J.S.Lather
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 23 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Neetu Mittal, Dr. Abhijit Kulshreshtha, Dr. Rachana Gupta, Vijay Kumar Tayal, Dr. J.S.Lather

Neetu Mittal, Dr. Abhijit Kulshreshtha, Dr. Rachana Gupta, Vijay Kumar Tayal, Dr. J.S.Lather . Article:MATLAB Design and Simulation of Series Controller for Damping of Energy System Oscillations. International Journal of Computer Applications. 23, 6 ( June 2011), 44-49. DOI=10.5120/2891-3774

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%A Dr. Rachana Gupta
%A Vijay Kumar Tayal
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Solid state power electronic devices or Flexible AC Transmission Systems technologies has brought an scope for electric utilities to operate their bulk power flow network close to their thermal limits while maintaining and/or improving network security or reliability. High-power electronic devices can provide unprecedented control over electricity flow in transmission networks. These devices responds quickly enough to changing network conditions to provide real-time power flow control, which is essential when large numbers of power transactions occur in a fully deregulated electric industry. In this paper a MATLAB / SIMULINK model of Electronic Controller has been developed for quick power flow control between two Areas connected by two transmission lines. This is achieved by increasing /decreasing its capacitive reactance online. The TCSC also helps in limiting and damping the angular/frequency swings caused by the disturbances. The simulations are carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Flexible AC Transmission Systems MATLAB / SIMULINK