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Joint Integral Histogram based Adaboost for Face Detection System

by Ameni Yengui Jammoussi, Dorra Sellami Masmoudi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 23 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Ameni Yengui Jammoussi, Dorra Sellami Masmoudi

Ameni Yengui Jammoussi, Dorra Sellami Masmoudi . Joint Integral Histogram based Adaboost for Face Detection System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 23, 5 ( June 2011), 38-43. DOI=10.5120/2984-3767

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title = { Joint Integral Histogram based Adaboost for Face Detection System },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { June 2011 },
volume = { 23 },
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year = { 2011 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
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%A Dorra Sellami Masmoudi
%T Joint Integral Histogram based Adaboost for Face Detection System
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Face detection is a crucial step in many vision applica-tions. Since the Viola and Jones face detector, many fea- ture extraction approches based Adaboost are proposed.This paper presents a novel approach to extract effective features for face detection system. Both LBP and three Patch LBP (TPLBP) with joint integral histogram are used to extract features. The joint integral histogram was firstly proposed for stereo matching application. Its effectiveness has motivated us to apply it harnessing its advantages. The evaluation of the novel features based Adaboost was done using the CMU-MIT frontal face data set. Experimental results show that its performance is noteworthy specially for the earlier stages. In fact, with few number of the new features we can achieve the max detection (1) and reduced false positive rate (0.28).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


face detection Adaboost TPLBP LBP Haar feature Joint Integral histogram image