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Article:Multi-Font/Size Character Recognition and Document Scanning

by Ritesh Kapoor, Sonia Gupta, C.M. Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 23 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Ritesh Kapoor, Sonia Gupta, C.M. Sharma

Ritesh Kapoor, Sonia Gupta, C.M. Sharma . Article:Multi-Font/Size Character Recognition and Document Scanning. International Journal of Computer Applications. 23, 1 ( June 2011), 21-24. DOI=10.5120/2853-3662

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title = { Article:Multi-Font/Size Character Recognition and Document Scanning },
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This paper presents a simple and efficient approach for the implementation of Optical Character Recognition and translation of scanned images of printed text into machine-encoded text. It makes use of four different image analysis phases followed by image detection via multi layer back propagation neural network. This paper also describes scanning the entire document and recognizing individual characters from image irrespective of their position, size and various font styles. It deals with recognition of the symbols from English language which can be easily extended for large set of symbols including UNICODE characters; this can be easily achieved by training the network for different symbol set. The phases described in this paper are simple and easy to implement.

  1. Optical character recognition
  2. Neural Networks for Unicode Optical Character Recognition
  3. “α-Soft: An English Language OCR” (Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET), 2010 2nd International Conference on 16-18 April 2010)
  4. “Image Recognition with Neural Networks” Murat Firat
  5. Backpropagation
  6. Creating Optical Character Recognition (OCR) applications using Neural Networks Alex Cherkasov
  7. Neural Network Computing by R. Bharath and J. Drosen. McGraw-Hill 1994.
  8. Principles of training multi-layer neural network using Backpropagation Mariusz Bernacki Przemysław Włodarczyk.
  9. The backpropagation algorithm of Neural Networks – “A Systematic Introduction” by Raúl Rojas (ISBN 978-3540605058)
  10. “An Introduction To Neural Networks Pattern Learning With The Back-Propagation Algorithm” Andrew Blais, Gnosis Software, Inc.
  11. Principles Of Training Multi-Layer Neural Network Using Backpropagation Mariusz Bernacki Przemysław Włodarczyk
  12. Anita Pal, Dayashankar Singh “Handwritten English Character Recognition Using Neural Network”, International Journal of Computer Science & CommunicationVol. 1, No. 2, July-December 2010
  13. B.V.Dhandra, Mallikarjun Hangarge, Gururaj Mukarambi, “Spatial Features for Handwritten Kannada and English” IJCA Special Issue on “Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition”
  14. Yusuf Perwej, Ashish Chaturvedi “Neural Networks for Handwritten English Alphabet Recognition” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Optical Character Recognition (OCR) ANN Document Scanning Image Processing