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Reseach Article

Frequent Pattern Mining of Trajectory Coordinates using Apriori Algorithm

by Arthur.A.Shaw, N.P. Gopalan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 22 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Arthur.A.Shaw, N.P. Gopalan

Arthur.A.Shaw, N.P. Gopalan . Frequent Pattern Mining of Trajectory Coordinates using Apriori Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 22, 9 ( May 2011), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/2615-3094

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Frequent pattern mining has been an emerging and active field in data mining research for over a decade. Abundant literature has been emerged from this research and tremendous progress has been made in numerous research frontiers. This article, provide an application of the modified Apriori algorithm in coordinate sets of trajectories to find the frequent trajectory coordinates. In this algorithm additional steps are added to prune the coordinate sets generated so that to reduce the unnecessary search time and space. This sequential pattern mining method is quite simple in nature but complex to implement. This paper explains the basics of data origination, database structure to hold the coordinate datasets and the implementation of the algorithm with the object oriented programming language by an illustration. It can be applied to interesting game domains to find the frequent trajectory of an object shot by a player which follows a trajectory path.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data mining Association mining Frequent pattern mining trajectory pattern mining