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Workflow Mining: Discovering Loops in Process Models

by V.R. Kavitha, R. Kavitha, Dr. N. Suresh Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 22 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: V.R. Kavitha, R. Kavitha, Dr. N. Suresh Kumar

V.R. Kavitha, R. Kavitha, Dr. N. Suresh Kumar . Workflow Mining: Discovering Loops in Process Models. International Journal of Computer Applications. 22, 6 ( May 2011), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/2591-3591

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The growing complexity of processes in many organizations stimulates the adoption of business process management techniques. Process models typically lie at the basis of these techniques and generally, the assumption is made that the operational business processes as they are taking place in practice confirm to these models. Technologies such as workflow management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) etc., typically focus on the realization of it [1], [2], [8]. The current research in process mining still has problems in mining some common constructs in workflow models. Among these constructs are loops. Because loops are the major concern for boundedness of any process model. This paper discusses about representing workflow model using Petri Nets and a method to identify loops. For identifying loops topological sorting is used. In the literature process logs are used to identify short loops of length two but the proposed algorithm identify loops of any length.

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  8. S. Kumanan and K. Raja. Modeling and Simulation of Projects with Petri Nets. American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 , 2008.
  9. Yu Ru and Christoforos N. Hadjicostis. Reachability Analysis for a Class of Petri Nets. Joint IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference P.R. China, 2009.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Workflow Petri Net Topological sort