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Adaptive Randomization in Image Steganography Pertaining to Most Significant Nibble

by Ravuru Rakesh, Shantan Devathi, Prashanth Sekhar Chandra Sekaran, Siram Sanath Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 22 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Ravuru Rakesh, Shantan Devathi, Prashanth Sekhar Chandra Sekaran, Siram Sanath Kumar

Ravuru Rakesh, Shantan Devathi, Prashanth Sekhar Chandra Sekaran, Siram Sanath Kumar . Adaptive Randomization in Image Steganography Pertaining to Most Significant Nibble. International Journal of Computer Applications. 22, 3 ( May 2011), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/2567-3529

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%A Prashanth Sekhar Chandra Sekaran
%A Siram Sanath Kumar
%T Adaptive Randomization in Image Steganography Pertaining to Most Significant Nibble
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With innovations ruling the world, there has been a phenomenal growth of e-commerce leading to a lot of transactions taking place online in Internet. To safely transfer data, an existing technique called steganography is used. The goal of steganography is to insert a message into a carrier signal so that it can’t be detected by unintended recipients. Images, video, and audio being the widespread carrier media steganalysis attempts to discover hidden messages in suspected covers are at the least detectable when they are more randomized. Therefore one of the important considerations in steganography is to have a meliorated randomization technique. To provide better randomization we propose few techniques in image steganography which use adaptive way of randomization by embedding the data in to the bits of “least significant nibble” pertaining to bits in “most significant nibble”.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information hiding Image Steganography Adaptive randomization