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Price Prediction of Share Market using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

by Zabir Haider Khan, Tasnim Sharmin Alin, Md. Akter Hussain
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 22 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Zabir Haider Khan, Tasnim Sharmin Alin, Md. Akter Hussain

Zabir Haider Khan, Tasnim Sharmin Alin, Md. Akter Hussain . Price Prediction of Share Market using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). International Journal of Computer Applications. 22, 2 ( May 2011), 42-47. DOI=10.5120/2552-3497

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title = { Price Prediction of Share Market using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) },
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%A Md. Akter Hussain
%T Price Prediction of Share Market using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
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Share Market is an untidy place for predicting since there are no significant rules to estimate or predict the price of share in the share market. Many methods like technical analysis, fundamental analysis, time series analysis and statistical analysis etc are all used to attempt to predict the price in the share market but none of these methods are proved as a consistently acceptable prediction tool. Artificial Neural Network (ANN), a field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), is a popular way to identify unknown and hidden patterns in data which is suitable for share market prediction. For predicting of share price using ANN, there are two modules, one is training session and other is predicting price based on previously trained data. We used Backpropagation algorithm for training session and Multilayer Feedforward network as a network model for predicting price. In this paper, we introduce a method which can predict share market price using Backpropagation algorithm and Multilayer Feedforward network.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Prediction Artificial Intelligence (AI) Backpropagation (BP) Multilayer Feedforward Network Neural Network (NN)