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Reseach Article

Image based Secret Communication using Double Compression

by Chaitanya Kommini, Kamalesh Ellanti, Srinivasulu Asadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 21 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Chaitanya Kommini, Kamalesh Ellanti, Srinivasulu Asadi

Chaitanya Kommini, Kamalesh Ellanti, Srinivasulu Asadi . Image based Secret Communication using Double Compression. International Journal of Computer Applications. 21, 7 ( May 2011), 6-9. DOI=10.5120/2526-3437

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The Information exchange via any media needs privacy and secrecy. Cryptography is widely used for providing privacy and secrecy between the sender and receiver. But, now, along with Cryptography, we are using Steganography to have more protection to our hidden data. In this paper, we show how a JPEG can be used as an embedding space for a message by adjusting the values in the JPEG Quantization tables (QTs). This scheme also uses some permutation algorithms and it can be widely used for secret communication. This JPEG double compression will give satisfactory decoded results.

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  9. [Online]. Available: Detection framework can be found at Supporting technical document and the utility can be downloaded at
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Quantization Tables JPEG Compression Steganography Double Compression