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Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocols - A Comparative Performance Analysis by Diversifying the Nodes

by Vijayalakshmi.P, Dr.V.Saravanan, Dr. P. Ranjit Jeba Thangaiah, Abraham Dinakaran. J
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 21 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Vijayalakshmi.P, Dr.V.Saravanan, Dr. P. Ranjit Jeba Thangaiah, Abraham Dinakaran. J

Vijayalakshmi.P, Dr.V.Saravanan, Dr. P. Ranjit Jeba Thangaiah, Abraham Dinakaran. J . Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocols - A Comparative Performance Analysis by Diversifying the Nodes. International Journal of Computer Applications. 21, 5 ( May 2011), 42-47. DOI=10.5120/2506-3389

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Mobile Ad hoc network is self-organizing and adaptive in nature. An Ad hoc wireless network does not rely on any fixed network entities the network itself is essentially infrastructure less. However, due to the presence of mobility, routing information changes to reflect subsistence in link connectivity. This paper highlights the performance of routing protocols like AODV, DSDV, DSR and TORA based on various evaluating parameter metrics like routing overload, throughput, average end-to-end delay, Packet Delivery Fraction (PDF) etc., by increasing the number of nodes when nodes are in mobile and tend to route the packets from source to destination. The simulation analysis proves that these metrics vary with different values in different test scenarios by diversifying the nodes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MANETs Average End-to-End Delay Throughput Packet Delivery Fraction Routing Overhead Normalized Routing Load AODV DSDV TORA DSR.