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Reseach Article

Contextual Mobile Learning System for Saudi Arabian Universities

by T. Altameem
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 21 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: T. Altameem

T. Altameem . Contextual Mobile Learning System for Saudi Arabian Universities. International Journal of Computer Applications. 21, 4 ( May 2011), 21-26. DOI=10.5120/2499-3377

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issn = { 0975-8887 },
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With the rapid development of mobile computing technologies, a new style of learning, termed as “mobile learning”, has exploded everywhere in the world. This is now considered as an essential learning style in the future. This paper presents the framework of a contextual mobile learning system taking into account the learning environment at Saudi Arabian universities. With the help of this system, the students can learn just in time in their daily lives whenever they need to learn; using mobile computing devices like Tablet PCs and Smart Phones. The main principles and the essential components such as functional modules and context databases are presented. The mobile learning framework has been validated by an interview based qualitative method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobile Learning PDAs Short Message Service (SMS)