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An Improved Mechanism for Congestion Control in TCP for Ad Hoc Network

by Mukesh Kumar Dhariwal, Sanjeev Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 20 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Mukesh Kumar Dhariwal, Sanjeev Sharma

Mukesh Kumar Dhariwal, Sanjeev Sharma . An Improved Mechanism for Congestion Control in TCP for Ad Hoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 20, 2 ( April 2011), 21-24. DOI=10.5120/2406-3201

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Mobile Ad Hoc networks are collections of mobile nodes, dynamically forming a temporary network without pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Transmission control protocol (TCP) provides connection oriented, reliable and end to end mechanism. Comparing to wire networks, there are many different characteristics in wireless environments. In this paper an improved mechanism for TCP congestion control is presented. It considers the influences sending rate to TCP sender’s packet only by the congestion. The drop rate for TCPM is calculated according to total packet received and total packet acknowledgment in network. So, there is less packet drop in transmission. The comparative study of Modified TCP (TCPM) with other TCP variants is also carried out on various parameters like pause time, size of network. The improved mechanism was implemented with fewer overheads and effectively improves reliability with small variances of throughput and delay. Implementations and Simulations were performed in QualNet 5.0 simulator.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless network congestion control packet loss rate TCP variants