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Security Aspect OF Quantum Key Distribution

by Anand Sharma, Vibha Ojha, Vishal Goar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Anand Sharma, Vibha Ojha, Vishal Goar

Anand Sharma, Vibha Ojha, Vishal Goar . Security Aspect OF Quantum Key Distribution. International Journal of Computer Applications. 2, 2 ( May 2010), 58-62. DOI=10.5120/625-885

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Is the newly born quantum cryptography the ultimate solution for information security? A technique needs to be both theoretically strong and practically viable. But quantum cryptography comes to naught in the latter. Unlike many of the classical cryptosystems in use today, whose security often draws on unproven assumptions about the computational complexity of mathematical problems, the security of quantum cryptography is based on—and employs—the laws of physics. The term “unconditional security”is used to emphasize the fact that it does not rely on the presumed, yet unproven hardness of somemathematical problem. In this Paper, we present the proof of the unconditional security of the BB84 protocol, as devised by Peter Shor and John Preskill [1].

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Qubit Quntum Key Distribution Security