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Reseach Article

Analytical Study of Broadcast in Mobile Adhoc Network

by Parma Nand, S.C. Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 19 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Parma Nand, S.C. Sharma

Parma Nand, S.C. Sharma . Analytical Study of Broadcast in Mobile Adhoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 19, 8 ( April 2011), 7-12. DOI=10.5120/2384-3152

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Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is a set of self-configuring mobile hosts, equipped with a CSMA/CA (carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance) transceiver, that may communicate, move freely independently and any time without any base station support. The broadcasting is inevitable operation in MANET and commonly used for route discovering. The flooding technique used normally for broadcast leads to redundant rebroadcasting and causes Broadcast Storm problem. This paper analyses this problem and techniques reported to handle it briefly. These techniques control redundant messages, which in turn lessen channel contention, packet collision and other similar network related problems. In this paper broadcast overhead and link breakage due to broadcasting is analyzed comparatively over Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) and Source Tree Adaptive Routing (STAR) protocols with varying mobility using Qualnet network simulator.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adhoc networks MANET Routing protocols Route discovery