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Serious Game Evaluation System based on Fuzzy AHP

by Kamal Omari, Yassine Chajri, Ayoub Oukhatar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 75
Year of Publication: 2025
Authors: Kamal Omari, Yassine Chajri, Ayoub Oukhatar

Kamal Omari, Yassine Chajri, Ayoub Oukhatar . Serious Game Evaluation System based on Fuzzy AHP. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 75 ( Mar 2025), 32-42. DOI=10.5120/ijca2025924641

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The rapid advancement of technology has led to a surge in popularity for digital games, prompting training and educational institutions to incorporate them into their curriculums as educational games, commonly referred to as "serious games". These games provide learners with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in a fun and interactive manner by virtually recreating learning situations. However, in order to effectively adopt serious games, it is essential to obtain solid evidence of their quality. To address this issue, an evaluation system for serious games is proposed, based on four essential dimensions that a game must satisfy to effectively fulfill its intended purpose. These dimensions have been validated and weighted according to the context of use using the fuzzy AHP method. The system was tested on a serious game called "ROBOCODE," which was validated by an educational commission and used by first-year students at Hassan II University. The results showed the usefulness and relevance of the proposed evaluation system in assessing the adaptability of Serious Games.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
Serious Game


Serious Game- Evaluation system- Fuzzy AHP