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Reseach Article

A Comprehensive Review of Keystroke Dynamics and Human Gait Analysis in Biometric Authentication

by Sandip Dutta, Soumen Roy, Utpal Roy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 63
Year of Publication: 2025
Authors: Sandip Dutta, Soumen Roy, Utpal Roy

Sandip Dutta, Soumen Roy, Utpal Roy . A Comprehensive Review of Keystroke Dynamics and Human Gait Analysis in Biometric Authentication. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 63 ( Jan 2025), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/ijca2025924454

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title = { A Comprehensive Review of Keystroke Dynamics and Human Gait Analysis in Biometric Authentication },
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%A Sandip Dutta
%A Soumen Roy
%A Utpal Roy
%T A Comprehensive Review of Keystroke Dynamics and Human Gait Analysis in Biometric Authentication
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

The integration of keystroke dynamics and gait analysis has emerged as a promising approach in the field of biometric authentication, offering enhanced accuracy and reliability. This paper reviews the current state of research in these modalities, highlighting advancements in sensor technology and analytical methods. By combining timing and sensory features, multimodal systems achieve lower Equal Error Rates (EER), demonstrating significant improvements over unimodal approaches. The review includes a comprehensive analysis of studies that have explored this integration, providing insights into the methodologies employed and their effectiveness. Key findings indicate that the fusion of keystroke dynamics and gait analysis not only enhances authentication accuracy but also offers robust and statistically significant results. This paper underscores the potential of these integrated systems to advance biometric technologies, paving the way for future research and applications in security and user identification.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
Human Gait
Keystroke Dynamics


Keystroke Dynamics Gait Analysis Biometric Authentication Sensor Technology Multimodal Systems Equal Error Rate