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Decoding Sentiment: How Machine Learning Maps Emotions Across Domains

by Dilasha Shakya, Rushit Dave, Dishant Thakkar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 60
Year of Publication: 2025
Authors: Dilasha Shakya, Rushit Dave, Dishant Thakkar

Dilasha Shakya, Rushit Dave, Dishant Thakkar . Decoding Sentiment: How Machine Learning Maps Emotions Across Domains. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 60 ( Jan 2025), 22-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2025924352

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The internet has become a useful platform for individuals to share their experiences, emotions and gather information. Whether it is getting a good coffee among a variety of options or searching for the ideal restaurant for dinner, people enjoy listening to other users' experiences and opinions before deciding to go there. Aside from personal uses, this digital space has become an excellent tool for businesses, politicians, health care sector and activists to understand their audience, take their feedback and take actions accordingly. It has also become an essential outlet for individuals to express their thoughts, share videos, and advocate against injustice, amplifying their voices in the pursuit of justice. Another usage of this might be in the areas like market research, political analysis, stock trends, and others, which will be further explored in the paper. Sentiment analysis serves this purpose by utilizing machine learning techniques and natural language processing to identify emotions from textual data. The first stage is preprocessing of data. This involves removal of unnecessary words, punctuation, repeats, standardization of words and correction of spelling errors from unstructured data. Crucial features and adjectives are then extracted to determine their polarity. Various research uses different methods for calculating overall polarity. Rule-based approaches assign predefined scores to words and their synonyms, while others rely on sentence structure, word frequency, and intensity. Feature extraction methods include bag of words, word embedding, word count and noun count. These extracted features are then classified into machine learning models which help with analysis and prediction processes. The measure of performance is then evaluated using precision, recall, accuracy along with tools such as confusion and classification matrix. Overall, sentimental analysis has emerged as a significantly growing area in recent years with great potential across various fields such as business, politics, healthcare, social media, fashion, crisis management, tourism. Therefore, proper research and increased model performance in sentiment analysis systems ensures the model can provide accurate insights aiding in better decision-making and planning across a wide range of applications.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Emotion detection Natural Language Processing Polarity detection