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Reseach Article

Automatic Solar Panel Cleaning and Cooling System based on IoT

by Josephin Sundah, Johan F. Makal, Johan Pongoh, Ronny Katuuk, Ali Ramschie
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 53
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Josephin Sundah, Johan F. Makal, Johan Pongoh, Ronny Katuuk, Ali Ramschie

Josephin Sundah, Johan F. Makal, Johan Pongoh, Ronny Katuuk, Ali Ramschie . Automatic Solar Panel Cleaning and Cooling System based on IoT. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 53 ( Dec 2024), 10-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024924203

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title = { Automatic Solar Panel Cleaning and Cooling System based on IoT },
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%A Josephin Sundah
%A Johan F. Makal
%A Johan Pongoh
%A Ronny Katuuk
%A Ali Ramschie
%T Automatic Solar Panel Cleaning and Cooling System based on IoT
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The growth of the renewable energy industry, particularly solar panels, has become a major focus in efforts to reduce dependence on conventional energy sources. However, improving the efficiency and productivity of solar panels requires optimal maintenance of panel surfaces and proper temperature regulation. Accumulation of dirt and dust on the panel surfaces, as well as uncontrolled temperatures, can reduce electricity generation efficiency. Therefore, the development of a system that can automatically clean panel surfaces and regulate panel temperature becomes crucial in optimizing solar energy-based electricity generation. This research aims to design and build an automatic system that can periodically clean the surface of solar panels and regulate panel temperatures to enhance the efficiency and productivity of electricity generation based on IoT. The system is expected to optimize the performance of solar panels by reducing the negative impact of dirt accumulation and temperature fluctuations. An experimental approach will be used in this research to design and build a surface cleaning system and temperature regulator for solar panels. The system development will utilize sensors to detect the level of dirt on the panel surfaces and to monitor panel temperature. In addition, microcontrollers and actuators will be used to automatically control the system's operations, ensuring the solar panel surfaces are cleaned and the temperature is adjusted according to the panel's conditions. With the implementation of the proposed system, it is expected to significantly improve the efficiency of solar panel electricity generation by reducing the negative impact of dirt accumulation and temperature fluctuations. Additionally, this system is anticipated to reduce the need for manual maintenance costs and extend the operational lifespan of solar panels. Thus, this research will provide a valuable contribution to the development of more efficient and sustainable renewable energy technology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cleaner Temperature Conditioner Solar Power Plant (PLTS) Optimization