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Reseach Article

Quality Analysis of SMP Islam Dian Didaktika Cbt Application System based on ISO 25010 Standard

by Ibnu Hakim, Hustinawati
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 44
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Ibnu Hakim, Hustinawati

Ibnu Hakim, Hustinawati . Quality Analysis of SMP Islam Dian Didaktika Cbt Application System based on ISO 25010 Standard. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 44 ( Oct 2024), 23-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024924066

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In order to improve the quality of schools, especially in the field of technology, there needs to be support from various parties, including parents, schools and the government. One important quality improvement is the examination process. Examination is a process carried out to measure the achievement of learner competencies on an ongoing basis in the learning process, to monitor progress, make learning improvements and determine learner learning success. The Computer-Based National Examination (UNBK) which began to be held by the government in 2015-2020 and began to inspire and motivate the implementation of computer-based examinations in schools in Depok and other regions throughout Indonesia. In 2019, SMP Islam Dian Didaktika Depok City began using a webbased examination system or often known as Computer Based Test (CBT) for the implementation of examinations, both Mid-Semester Assessment or better known as PTS, End of Semester Assessment or better known as PAS and School Examinations or better known as US. Approaching 5 years of use, the CBT application system at SMP Islam Dian Didaktika has not been carried out product quality. To find out the quality of the web-based online exam system whether it has met the initial objectives to be achieved, namely making it easier for organizers to carry out the exam process, assessing students' answers and making reports on assessment results, a system evaluation is needed. This study aims to analyze the CBT application system used at SMP Islam Dian Didaktika which is currently used with the ISO 25010 method in the product quality dimension. The objectives to be achieved by this thesis research are to analyze the quality of the CBT application system at SMP Islam Dian Didaktika using the ISO 25010 standard, and to provide input and suggestions for improving the CBT application system at SMP Islam Dian Didaktika. Based on the results of research and discussion that has been carried out using the ISO 25010 standard method, the quality of the CBT application system at SMP Islam Dian Didaktika is declared feasible and meets the criteria of the ISO 25010 standard.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ISO 25010 product quality model CBT application system