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21 October 2024
Reseach Article

Information System Risk Assessment on Website Jogja Smart Service using ISO 31000

by Herdian Aziz Qurnia Muharam, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 43
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Herdian Aziz Qurnia Muharam, Imam Riadi

Herdian Aziz Qurnia Muharam, Imam Riadi . Information System Risk Assessment on Website Jogja Smart Service using ISO 31000. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 43 ( Sep 2024), 15-20. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024924043

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%A Imam Riadi
%T Information System Risk Assessment on Website Jogja Smart Service using ISO 31000
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Aspects of life in the current era are greatly influenced by information technology. Among others, the Yogyakarta City Information and Coding Communication Service. The information system owned is a website that functions as an online city hall, the name of the website is Jogja Smart Service (JSS). Information technology cannot be separated from the possibility of a risk emerging in the future which could hamper the website. for example, server down and unstable internet. This research aims to determine the emergence of possibilities and prevention of risks on the Jogja Smart Service (JSS) website. This research uses the ISO 31000 method. An international standard that implements risk management. Risk assessment using ISO 31000 has 5 main stages, namely communication and consultation, establishing context, risk assessment (risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation), risk treatment and recording and reporting. This research produced 8 possible risks, of which 3 risks were at the low level, and 5 risks were at the medium level, but the risk treatment was different, namely 7 risks received reduction treatment, then 1 risk received transfer treatment. The results of the risk assessment evaluation that has been carried out can be used as a basis for handling and maintaining information technology and can reduce losses in terms of material or data in the future.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
Risk Assessment


Jogja Smart Service Risk Risk Management Risk Assessment ISO 31000