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Utilization of Android Technology in an Integrated Information System for Car Booking Service

by Tiffany Adella Putri, Tri Widodo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Tiffany Adella Putri, Tri Widodo

Tiffany Adella Putri, Tri Widodo . Utilization of Android Technology in an Integrated Information System for Car Booking Service. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 4 ( Jan 2024), 12-17. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024923380

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title = { Utilization of Android Technology in an Integrated Information System for Car Booking Service },
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Mobile devices have become a widespread phenomenon globally, with 67% of Indonesia's population adopting them. Android, a Google-developed operating system, is dominating the market due to its Open-Source nature, variety of applications, integration with Google services, and user flexibility. Android-based devices have evolved into personal assistants capable of taking photos, recording video and sound, creating documents, and storing data efficiently. Information technology has penetrated various sectors, including education and industry. In the industrial sector, businesses like repair shops can optimize transaction management by utilizing internet and information technology. To overcome challenges in system management, an Android-based car service booking information system is planned. This system will simplify service booking transactions, provide accurate spare parts information, and present sales reports for related party analysis. The application is built using Kotlin programming language and MySQL as a database. The system development phase includes a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) design phase, physical design, and database management system (DBMS) with MySQL.

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