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A Review on Protein Function Prediction Methods using Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

by Saima Khan, Md. Abidur Rahman Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 31
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Saima Khan, Md. Abidur Rahman Khan

Saima Khan, Md. Abidur Rahman Khan . A Review on Protein Function Prediction Methods using Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 31 ( Jul 2024), 27-34. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024923874

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Proteins are essential components of all living organisms, performing a myriad of biological functions within living bodies and systems. Understanding protein functions is crucial for researchers, as it enables the development of various evolutionary medicines, treatments, and other beneficial products. However, many protein functions remain unknown. Computational methods have gained popularity over traditional physical experiments for predicting protein functions. These methods include approaches based on sequence and structure knowledge, gene expression data, and protein-protein interaction data. Notably, protein function prediction methods utilizing protein-protein interaction networks have yielded more satisfactory results compared to those using other attributes. Proteins rarely function in isolation; they typically operate in conjunction with their interacting partners. Numerous researchers have proposed and implemented various techniques for accurately predicting the functions of unknown proteins. This paper presents a comprehensive review of various methods proposed and utilized by researchers for predicting protein functions using protein-protein interaction networks. The descriptions include essential tables and figures, accompanied by appropriate citations and references. The aim of this paper is to assist other researchers in understanding these techniques and to encourage the development of enhanced approaches for predicting protein functions through protein-protein interaction networks.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
wet lab
dry lab


Protein function prediction protein-protein interaction network common neighbor majority neighbor protein