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Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Attacks

by V. Harsha Shastri, K. Srinivas Rao, Raman R.K.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: V. Harsha Shastri, K. Srinivas Rao, Raman R.K.

V. Harsha Shastri, K. Srinivas Rao, Raman R.K. . Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Attacks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 22 ( May 2024), 49-57. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024923667

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Data protection and anonymity is a major issue with the Internet of Things. Problems may arise as a result of ineffective security measures, human ignorance, or outdated device software. Smart devices are vulnerable to hacking. A billion connected devices could be used to access private data, spread malware and cause harm. Businesses, consumers, and even Government agencies use Internet of Things devices and concern is always there in terms of security for manufacturers and end users. The Internet of Things helps to improve business efficiency and simplifies employees' work. The transportation, agricultural, healthcare, and building sectors are among the many that are making more use of this technology. It is challenging to safeguard most Internet-connected "things" with traditional, resource-intensive defenses since these devices are often poor and have limited hardware capabilities; this raises serious privacy and security challenges.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Internet of Things (IoT) privacy security attacks networks