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Skin Lesion Prediction from Dermoscopic Images using Deep Learning

by Nazma Hossen Nishat, Pranta Paul, Farzina Akther, Tahmina Akter, Muhammad Anwarul Azim
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 186 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Nazma Hossen Nishat, Pranta Paul, Farzina Akther, Tahmina Akter, Muhammad Anwarul Azim

Nazma Hossen Nishat, Pranta Paul, Farzina Akther, Tahmina Akter, Muhammad Anwarul Azim . Skin Lesion Prediction from Dermoscopic Images using Deep Learning. International Journal of Computer Applications. 186, 18 ( Apr 2024), 17-29. DOI=10.5120/ijca2024923577

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%A Pranta Paul
%A Farzina Akther
%A Tahmina Akter
%A Muhammad Anwarul Azim
%T Skin Lesion Prediction from Dermoscopic Images using Deep Learning
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Skin lesions, which comprise a wide range of irregularities in skin appearance, might serve as precursors of skin cancer due to the complex interaction of hereditary variables and longterm UV ex- posure. Significant advances in dermatology have been made with the use of deep learning models, notably convolutional neural net- works (CNNs). These models excel in analyzing dermatoscopic pictures, allowing for early and accurate identification of a vari- ety of skin problems. In this work, a complete evaluation of deep learning models for predicting skin lesions is conducted, with an emphasis on accuracy. Notable performers include DenseNet169 and ResNet101, both of which achieve an outstanding 91% accu- racy. Furthermore, a hybrid model obtains an accuracy of 89%, in- dicating its capacity to recognize complicated visual patterns. The study investigates model fusion strategies to capitalize on possible synergy in prediction skills, ultimately improving automated der- matological diagnosis systems. Notable models are DenseNet121, ResNet-50V2, and InceptionResNetV2, which contribute consider- ably with accuracies of 91%, 89%, and 85%, respectively, while MobileNetV2 and VGG-16 provide accuracies of 82% and 80%. These advances, taken together, enable the development of strong and accurate diagnostic technologies capable of efficiently expedit- ing skin health interventions.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


CNN Transfer Learning Data Balancing Augmentation Hybird Model