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An Automated Solar Panel Surface Cleaning Control System Model for Optimizing Electricity Generation

by Josephin Sundah, Tjerie Pangemanan, Johan Pongoh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 46
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Josephin Sundah, Tjerie Pangemanan, Johan Pongoh

Josephin Sundah, Tjerie Pangemanan, Johan Pongoh . An Automated Solar Panel Surface Cleaning Control System Model for Optimizing Electricity Generation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 46 ( Nov 2023), 30-37. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923279

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title = { An Automated Solar Panel Surface Cleaning Control System Model for Optimizing Electricity Generation },
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issue_date = { Nov 2023 },
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%A Josephin Sundah
%A Tjerie Pangemanan
%A Johan Pongoh
%T An Automated Solar Panel Surface Cleaning Control System Model for Optimizing Electricity Generation
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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One of the factors that can impact the process of generating electricity from solar panels is the cleanliness of the solar panel surface. The level of dirt on the solar panel surface can result from the accumulation of dust during the dry season, and the dust on the surface of the solar panel tends to adhere when the surface is wet. This research aims to develop a system model capable of automatically cleaning the surface of solar panels by activating a cleaning mechanism placed on the solar panel to perform the cleaning process. To detect the level of dirt on the surface of the solar panel, current and voltage sensors are applied to detect a decrease in the power output produced by the solar panel. If there is a decrease in power output from the solar panel, the system will then detect the intensity of sunlight using an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor. If the light intensity value is within the normal range, which is above 100 lux, the system will automatically activate the surface cleaning mechanism in response to the decrease in power output. From the results of testing conducted on the system model, it has been found that this system model can detect dirt on the surface of solar panels. When the light sensor detects that sunlight intensity is above 100 lux but the power output from the solar panel decreases, the system will make the decision that the solar panel surface is dirty. Consequently, the system will automatically activate the cleaning mechanism installed on the surface of the solar panel to initiate the cleaning process. If it is detected that the power output from the solar panel has returned to normal, the system will automatically deactivate the solar panel cleaning system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Model Simulation Solar Panel Cleaner Automatic.