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Reseach Article

BESALIR: Wild Animals Education using Augmented Reality

by Abdi Febryan Prakasa, Muhammad Zakariyah
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 46
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Abdi Febryan Prakasa, Muhammad Zakariyah

Abdi Febryan Prakasa, Muhammad Zakariyah . BESALIR: Wild Animals Education using Augmented Reality. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 46 ( Nov 2023), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923268

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Learning about wild animals traditionally relies on static books and posters, lacking interactivity and engagement. This paper presents the development of BESALIR - an augmented reality (AR) mobile application using Vuforia to teach elementary students about wild animals. The app name BESALIR is an abbreviation of the Indonesian phrase "Belajar Satwa Liar" meaning Learning Wild Animals. The Multimedia Development Life Cycle methodology guided the design and implementation. Virtual 3D models of animals overlaid on image target markers provided enhanced visualization. Animation and sounds immersed students in the experience. Information pop-ups provided details on each animal species when markers were detected. Quizzes reinforced knowledge retention. Black Box Testing validated requirements during iterative prototyping. Initial user studies indicated increased engagement versus conventional materials. The results demonstrate the potential of AR technology to transform static content into interactive and stimulating educational experiences. BESALIR serves as a practical use case and template for developing engaging AR learning applications.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Augmented Reality AR Marker Marker-based Multimedia Development Life Cycle MDLC 3D 3D models Wild animals Wildlife Learning media Elementary school students.