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Next-Gen Sport Center: Innovative Mobile-based System for Sport Facility Reservations

by Gathan Andhika Febriansyah, Anita Fira Waluyo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 42
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Gathan Andhika Febriansyah, Anita Fira Waluyo

Gathan Andhika Febriansyah, Anita Fira Waluyo . Next-Gen Sport Center: Innovative Mobile-based System for Sport Facility Reservations. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 42 ( Nov 2023), 18-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923228

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title = { Next-Gen Sport Center: Innovative Mobile-based System for Sport Facility Reservations },
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Field rental facilities in Indonesia for various sports activities such as futsal, volleyball, and badminton currently require customers to come directly to the site to check the field schedule through the available announcement boards. In addition, the process of producing the rental data report is still done manually using books, which can result in human error and the risk of data loss. To solve this problem, a system needs to be developed that can help customers and managers make field reservations and manage rental data more efficiently. The design method of this mobile application involves using the REST API to connect customers and administrators to the database as the primary data source. Initial steps included report design and system workflow visualization, DFD (Data Stream Diagram), and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). Furthermore, the program design process involved various programming languages such as PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with the implementation of the Laravel framework and the use of XAMPP for mobile application development. The required data was taken from Mahendrik Sport Center. With the successful development of this mobile application, customers can make field reservations easier, while managers can manage data and print rental data reports as needed. This helps in improving the efficiency and accuracy of field reservation processes as well as the management of renting data in these sports facilities.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Android Application Sport Center Reservation.