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Development of an Online Examination Monitoring System using Zoom

by Dio Tubolayefa, Maureen Ifeanyi Akazue, Sebastina Nkechi Okofu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 40
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Dio Tubolayefa, Maureen Ifeanyi Akazue, Sebastina Nkechi Okofu

Dio Tubolayefa, Maureen Ifeanyi Akazue, Sebastina Nkechi Okofu . Development of an Online Examination Monitoring System using Zoom. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 40 ( Nov 2023), 1-10. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923146

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title = { Development of an Online Examination Monitoring System using Zoom },
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Online Examination Monitoring system study was carried out using the Zoom application to monitor students taking an online examination to mitigate cheating; Even though the online examination system is widely used in most institutions and organizations there are still numerous issues to address to make the system more effective and efficient to use, such as mitigating cheating during examination, that has to lead to the undertaken of this study while the study aims to develop an online examination monitoring system. The waterfall methodology was selected for the study. This research finds that the study was effective as students can appear live when writing examinations from remote locations using the Zoom application. The online examination monitoring system has contributed to known knowledge that before now Zoom has been used as software for hosting online meetings and online classroom teaching. This study has revealed that Zoom can excellently monitor online examinations to mitigate examination malpractice.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Online Examination Monitoring System and Zoom Application