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Implementing Flutter Clean Architecture for Mobile Tourism Application Development

by Ristu Aji Wijayanto, RR. Hajar Puji Sejati
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 39
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Ristu Aji Wijayanto, RR. Hajar Puji Sejati

Ristu Aji Wijayanto, RR. Hajar Puji Sejati . Implementing Flutter Clean Architecture for Mobile Tourism Application Development. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 39 ( Nov 2023), 23-30. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923197

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The rapid advancement of technology has been a catalyst for several innovative developments across diverse disciplines. The tourism sector is being actively promoted as one of the fields of focus. An increasing number of vendors are currently exploring the development of applications that have the capability to present comprehensive information regarding tourism sites. One issue arises when several vendors engage in application development, as the programs frequently encounter interruptions and upgrades are subject to prolonged durations. Despite the implementation of maintenance practices, the code remains unreadable, exhibiting deficiencies in both its overall pattern and the organization of individual units of code. In the context of existing applications, there exist some limitations, like the absence of enhancements in the authentication functionality and the non-functionality of the maps feature. This study aims to explore the principles of designing applications with a well-organized structure and implementing clean architecture as a structural pattern to enhance the scalability and maintainability of systems. The implementation of a clean architecture facilitates the long-term development and targeted testing of applications. By implementing a segregation of data layers, domains, and clean presentation architecture, the process of categorizing unit code based on its functionality will be facilitated. By employing Test-Driven Development (TDD), a software development approach that prioritizes testing over producing code units, the frequency of errors can be significantly reduced.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobile Application Tourism Flutter State Management Unit Testing