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20 February 2025
Reseach Article

IoT Implementation for Monitoring and Controlling Solar Power Plant Systems

by Ali Ramschie, Ronny Katuuk, Sulastri Eksan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 37
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Ali Ramschie, Ronny Katuuk, Sulastri Eksan

Ali Ramschie, Ronny Katuuk, Sulastri Eksan . IoT Implementation for Monitoring and Controlling Solar Power Plant Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 37 ( Oct 2023), 23-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923177

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title = { IoT Implementation for Monitoring and Controlling Solar Power Plant Systems },
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issue_date = { Oct 2023 },
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year = { 2023 },
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Solar power plants (SPP) are one of the most potential renewable energy sources that can be used as a sustainable solution to meet energy needs. However, the efficiency and reliability of SPP systems remain major challenges that need to be addressed. One way to improve the efficiency and reliability of these systems is by implementing Internet of Things (IoT) technology as a means of monitoring and controlling the operation of SPP systems. IoT can be used to remotely monitor and control the performance of SPP systems in real-time, thereby aiding in decision-making and providing system efficiency improvements. The aim of this research is to develop a system for monitoring and controlling the operation of a solar power plant (SPP) based on IoT, which can remotely monitor and control the performance of the SPP system in real-time by implementing IoT devices. The IoT devices consist of sensors as a means of detecting the load processes in the SPP system, communication modules as wireless communication media for monitoring and controlling the load on the SPP system, and a controller device that serves as a central data processing and decision-making unit for the operation of the SPP system. The monitoring and control processes can be carried out from anywhere through a web server and can be accessed using user devices such as a PC or a smartphone. The monitoring process includes monitoring the following parameters: voltage output , electric current output , power factor, frequency, electric power, electric energy, and the payment amount in Indonesian Rupiah based on the electricity consumption. It also involves monitoring the condition of electrical equipment connected to the SPP system. The control process involves turning ON/OFF the electrical equipment connected to the SPP system based on the monitoring results. The method used to develop a system for monitoring and controlling an IoT-based solar power plant (SPP) is prototyping, which involves the following stages: Literature review, data collection, system design, system development, and system testing. The testing results demonstrate that the implementation of an IoT system for monitoring and controlling the load on the SPP system can be done remotely from any location using user devices. This capability improves the efficiency of both time and load management on the SPP system. The monitoring data includes measurements of electric current consumption, electric voltage, electric power, electric energy, power factor, frequency, and the amount to be paid in Indonesian Rupiah based on the electricity consumption. It also includes the status of the load, indicating whether it is active or inactive.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Solar Power Plant (SPP) IoT controller real-time