International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 185 - Number 37 |
Year of Publication: 2023 |
Authors: Cipta Andika Putra Pratama, Joko Aryanto |
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Cipta Andika Putra Pratama, Joko Aryanto . Implementation of Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media for Car Engine Components. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 37 ( Oct 2023), 16-22. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923174
The rapid advancement of technology due to the phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. There is a need for innovation in technology development to package the current learning process to be more effective, one of which is the development of learning media which is an important part of the learning process and of course directed at meaningful learning that encourages students to develop 21st Century skills as an urgency in the field of education [1]. Learning media is one of the things that affects student learning outcomes. It holds that media (literacy) education and activity-oriented learning in educational institutions and the use of (digital) media in classroom teaching have the potential to arouse learners’ emotions and, in doing so, to stimulate learners’ interest and encourage their active participation [2]. With current technological developments, Augmented Reality can be one of the learning media that can make users interested and interact while learning [3]. Yet, these technologies are in developing stage and require massive investment and mass customization to meet the high demand in education [4]. Seeing this, the idea arose to develop learning media for the introduction of gasoline engine components by utilizing android-based Augmented Reality technology. The purpose of this application is to facilitate the learning process for students at Vocational High Schools.