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Development of Administrative Processes Ontology: A Case Study of Postgraduate Education Domain

by Oluseyi Ayodeji Oyedeji, Ibiyinka Temilola Ayorinde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 34
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Oluseyi Ayodeji Oyedeji, Ibiyinka Temilola Ayorinde

Oluseyi Ayodeji Oyedeji, Ibiyinka Temilola Ayorinde . Development of Administrative Processes Ontology: A Case Study of Postgraduate Education Domain. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 34 ( Sep 2023), 23-30. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923119

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Administration is an important aspect of almost all organisations and directly impacts productivity and efficiency. Hence, applying ontology to administrative domain’s processes is essential. This research is focused on creating an administrative ontology and testing the correctness of its processes by using the Postgraduate College of the University of Ibadan as a case study. The domain knowledge was collected using data gathering techniques such as unstructured interview, direct observation, data from trusted sources, existing information system and literature review as a source of data. Relevant knowledge was extracted, refined, and eventually formalized using Description logics. The formalized knowledge was encoded into Web Ontology Language (OWL) format using Protege 5.5.0. The ontology was then tested with 50 competency questions for correctness with SPARQL and DL queries supported by ELK reasoner. Domain knowledge gathered consists of 207 facts, 70 constraints, 84 definitions and 305 initial concepts. 400 formalized expressions were produced from the formalization stage. An OWL file of 8047 lines was generated for the administrative ontology consisting of 1868 axioms (1203 logical axioms, 661 declaration axioms and 4 annotation axioms). The ontology output also consists of 347 classes, 182 Object properties, 28 data properties and 106 individuals. Finally, the competency questions and the answers exhibited 98% similarities when compared with the raw knowledge. This research provides a standardized and reusable knowledge structure for the administrative domain. It also sets the pace for extending the ontology to another peculiar administrative domain other than the Postgraduate College. Finally, the ontology developed can serve as knowledge base to be plugged into administrative applications.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital administration Ontology Protégé Web ontology language (owl).