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Systematic Review on Text Normalization Techniques and its Approach to Non-Standard Words

by Abubakar Ahmad Aliero, Bashir Sulaimon Adebayo, Hamzat Olanrewaju Aliyu, Amina Gogo Tafida, Bashar Umar Kangiwa, Nasiru Muhammad Dankolo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 33
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Abubakar Ahmad Aliero, Bashir Sulaimon Adebayo, Hamzat Olanrewaju Aliyu, Amina Gogo Tafida, Bashar Umar Kangiwa, Nasiru Muhammad Dankolo

Abubakar Ahmad Aliero, Bashir Sulaimon Adebayo, Hamzat Olanrewaju Aliyu, Amina Gogo Tafida, Bashar Umar Kangiwa, Nasiru Muhammad Dankolo . Systematic Review on Text Normalization Techniques and its Approach to Non-Standard Words. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 33 ( Sep 2023), 44-55. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923106

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%A Bashar Umar Kangiwa
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Text normalization is the process of transforming text into a standardized and canonical form. It involves correcting spelling errors, expanding abbreviations, resolving contractions, normalizing punctuation, capitalization, and other linguistic variations to ensure consistent and coherent representations of textual data. The goal of text normalization is to reduce the lexical and orthographic variations in text, making it easier to process, analyze, and understand. It is a critical preprocessing step in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as machine translation, text-to-speech synthesis, sentiment analysis, and information retrieval. Many techniques and approaches have been used for normalizing different kind of text including the User-Generated Content (UGC). This normalization helps to improve the performance of NLP downstream task. This paper provides a broad picture of the state-of-the-art researches in the area of text normalization from 2018 to 2022. About 54 journal and conference papers was selected to identifies and analyzed the trends of the text normalization techniques, approaches and issues in the related field. The use of dataset and evaluation metrics were excluded for future research.

  1. Zhang, C., et al. Adaptive parser-centric text normalization. in Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). 2013.
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  19. Vandekerckhove, R. and J. Nobels, Code eclecticism: Linguistic variation and code alternation in the chat language of Flemish teenagers 1. Journal of sociolinguistics, 2010. 14(5): p. 657-677.
  20. Liu, X., et al. Recognizing named entities in tweets. in Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technologies. 2011.
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  22. Widyassari, A.P., et al., Review of automatic text summarization techniques & methods. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022. 34(4): p. 1029-1046.
  23. Sharma, M., P. Singh, and D. Shaveta, A Review Paper On Sms Text To Plain English Translation (Text Normalization). International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET), 2014. Vol. 5 p. 792-797.
  24. Rogers, D., et al., Real-time text classification of user-generated content on social media: Systematic review. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2021. 9(4): p. 1154-1166.
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  26. Zhang, X., R. Mao, and E. Cambria, A survey on syntactic processing techniques. Artificial Intelligence Review, 2022: p. 1-84.
  27. Nandwani, P. and R. Verma, A review on sentiment analysis and emotion detection from text. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2021. 11(1): p. 81.
  28. Satapathy, R., et al., A review of shorthand systems: From brachygraphy to microtext and beyond. Cognitive Computation, 2020. 12: p. 778-792.
  29. Bollmann, M., A large-scale comparison of historical text normalization systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.02036, 2019.
  30. Tuan, D.A., P.T. Lam, and P.D. Hung. A study of text normalization in Vietnamese for text-to-speech system. in Proceedings of Oriental COCOSDA Conference, Macau, China. 2012.
  31. Zhang, J., et al. A hybrid text normalization system using multi-head self-attention for mandarin. in ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP). 2020. IEEE.
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  35. Bakhturina, E., Y. Zhang, and B. Ginsburg, Shallow Fusion of Weighted Finite-State Transducer and Language Model for Text Normalization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.15917, 2022.
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  38. Scannell, K. Statistical models for text normalization and machine translation. in Proceedings of the First Celtic Language Technology Workshop. 2014.
  39. Sridhar, V.K.R. Unsupervised text normalization using distributed representations of words and phrases. in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Vector Space Modeling for Natural Language Processing. 2015.
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  43. Pramanik, S. and A. Hussain, Text normalization using memory augmented neural networks. Speech Communication, 2019. 109: p. 15-23.
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  50. Dai, W., et al. An End-to-end Chinese Text Normalization Model based on Rule-guided Flat-Lattice Transformer. in ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2022. IEEE.
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  54. Jiang, N., et al., A Fast Randomized Algorithm for Massive Text Normalization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.03024, 2021.
  55. Roy, A., et al., An Unsupervised Normalization Algorithm for Noisy Text: A Case Study for Information Retrieval and Stance Detection. Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ), 2021. 13(3): p. 1-25.
  56. Veliz, C.M., O. De Clercq, and V. Hoste. Comparing MT approaches for text normalization. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019). 2019.
  57. Kozhirbayev, Z. and Z. Yessenbayev. Kazakh text normalization using machine translation approaches. in CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020. CEUR-WS.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Text Normalization Techniques Method Approach Rule-based Statistical Method Neural Network Similarity-based Context-based etc