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Reseach Article

Subtitle Generating Media Player using Mozilla DeepSpeech Model

by Waat Perera, B. Hettige
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 28
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Waat Perera, B. Hettige

Waat Perera, B. Hettige . Subtitle Generating Media Player using Mozilla DeepSpeech Model. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 28 ( Aug 2023), 34-42. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923033

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Subtitles plays a major role when comes to consuming media. Most of the time either media content comes without any subtitles or comes with basic subtitles in the native language. So, finding subtitles from another language than the native or creating subtitles for a new media content wasn’t an easy task. For famous films, tv shows or sometimes songs could find subtitles in more than one language but there are majority of content that isn’t exposed to internet. To address this issue this paper proposes a method to generate real-time subtitles for selected languages using English language media files through the existing Mozilla DeepSpeech and Google Cloud Platform Translation API. This proposed system takes any English media content from .mp4 file format as the input and generate subtitle according to the users desired language preference as a .srt output. Further, this paper also describes an overview of existing methods for Speech to Text conversion, advantages and disadvantages that are compared with Mozilla DeepSpeech model. The system has been tested with Human evaluation methods as well as automated evaluation method namely BLEU.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Deep Learning DeepSpeech Language Translation Media Player Mozilla Speech Recognition Speech to Text Subtitle Generation.