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A Survey on using Clustering to Enhance Search Engine Performance

by Mennatollah Mamdouh Mahmoud, Doaa Saad Elzanfaly, Ahmed El-Sayed Yacoup
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 27
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Mennatollah Mamdouh Mahmoud, Doaa Saad Elzanfaly, Ahmed El-Sayed Yacoup

Mennatollah Mamdouh Mahmoud, Doaa Saad Elzanfaly, Ahmed El-Sayed Yacoup . A Survey on using Clustering to Enhance Search Engine Performance. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 27 ( Aug 2023), 6-13. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923016

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title = { A Survey on using Clustering to Enhance Search Engine Performance },
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Searching the web seeking relevant documents or information becomes a difficult task. The reason for this problem is the availability of huge amounts of information on the web and poor indexing. So, it is necessary to manage the web resources to help people find the content they are interested in. As a result, the user needs a reliable information retrieval system to find and arrange the pertinent information. Many research studies are conducted to improve the performance of the web to find the most crucial information based on the query of the user. Some of them use ontology and semantic web to get the most relevant information to the user. Others use machine learning techniques, such as clustering to enhance the performance of the search engine. This paper provides a review about the search engine components, and the search engine index structure and ways to update it. This paper also reviews the clustering techniques, such as hard clustering techniques and overlapping clustering techniques, and the methods employed for labeling clusters. The different techniques that have been proposed to improved clustering techniques, cluster labeling and web search index are also discussed in this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information Retrieval (IR) Search Engine Clustering Clustering Labeling Web Document Indexing.