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A Novel Mobile-based Assessment Application for Evaluating Students' Creative Artworks in Higher Education

by W.K. ElSaid
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 185 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: W.K. ElSaid

W.K. ElSaid . A Novel Mobile-based Assessment Application for Evaluating Students' Creative Artworks in Higher Education. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 20 ( Jul 2023), 22-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023922920

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Over the years, the human evaluation of students' creative artwork has been a thorny issue in creativity research, as the value of student's creative artwork varies from one art expert to another. Therefore, it was necessary, in the digital age, to employ modern technologies to limit human interference in assessing creative artworks of students in a way achieves objectivity, credibility and also maintains the creative and innovative aspect of the artwork. This paper proposes a semi-automated mobile App for assessing students' creative artworks in Egyptian institutions of higher education. The proposed mobile-based artworks assessment app integrates the content analysis approach and views of art experts. The content analysis approach is used to calculate the affinity scores of the student's artistic design with the desired art model and represents 70 percent of the total course score. The art expert opinions are used to calculate the creativity of the student's artistic design and represents 30 percent of the total course score. In two planned stages, the process of evaluating the performance of the proposed mobile-based artworks assessment App was performed. In the first stage, the usability of the proposed mobile-based artworks assessment App was tested, and the findings of this stage were very satisfactory.On other hand, in the second stage, the accuracy of the proposed mobile-based artworks assessment App in assessing students' creative artworks was measured, and the outcomes of this stage revealed that the proposal App achieved an outstanding accuracy above our expectations, making it one of the first digital applications to assess students' art designs in an informed and fair manner.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Artworks Evaluation Content Analysis Art Experts Semi-Automated Android Application Validity Test Accuracy Test